Church Profile

Taylor’s Valley Baptist Church (TVBC) of Temple, TX is a church family that seeks to show the world the Way, the Truth, and the Life of Jesus. Founded in 1894, TVBC has been active in the Temple area for 128 years. Currently, TVBC is experiencing a season of growth. In 2021, TVBC reported 598 church members in our ACP. In 2022, that number has jumped to 676. 

In 2021, weekly worship attendance averaged at 263, while small group attendance averaged at 133. Year to date in 2022, we have seen an increase in attendance in both areas, with an average of 313 in weekly worship and 157 in small groups. 

Our youth growth has also seen growth in attendance over our current interim period.  In 2022 we are averaging 20 youth attendees on Sunday morning and 15 on Wednesday nights.  We currently have 60% boys and approximately a 50/50 split between middle schoolers and high schoolers on Sunday mornings.  The majority of Wednesday night attendees are high schoolers.

In 2021, our annual budget was set at $725,000. Our undesignated receipts for the year totaled $877,830. This year, we are on track to meet the budget, set at $850,000. 

TVBC is a welcoming church family that is excited about the growth we are seeing. We want to continue to reach our growing community to show them the Way, the Truth, and the Life of Jesus. We are excited to see what God will do through the leadership of our next youth minister.

In 2021, our annual budget was set at $725,000. Our undesignated receipts for the year totaled $877,830. This year, we are on track to meet the budget, set at $850,000. 

TVBC is a welcoming church family that is excited about the growth we are seeing. We want to continue to reach our growing community to show them the Way, the Truth, and the Life of Jesus. We are excited to see what God will do through the leadership of our next youth minister. 

Community Profile:

Temple, Texas has a population of 85,416 and is rapidly growing. The area around TVBC is seeing exponential growth, as many new neighborhoods are being built within a five mile radius of our campus. There are over 1,400 single-family homes within a five mile radius of the church, and that number is only expected to increase as these new neighborhoods become established. 

The ethnic demographics of Temple are as follows: 51% Anglo, 29% Hispanic, 15% African American, and 5% Other. The median age of the Temple community is slightly lower than the state average, at 33 years old. 

Temple’s economy has been growing. Many new businesses have established themselves in our area over the last few years, not to mention that we have the Baylor Scott and White system employing over 12,000 employees. Other key industries in the Temple area are business support services, logistics, and distribution. Since the 2020 census, Temple’s population has grown 3% and is expected to continue increasing. 

Overall, the city of Temple, Texas is growing and thriving as it expands. Population is increasing and demographics are becoming more diverse as people flock from all over the United States to relocate to Texas. However, there is still a friendliness and sense of community within Temple that makes this a wonderful place to live.

Youth Minister Profile: 

The Youth Minister Search Committee of Taylor’s Valley Baptist Church is searching for a Youth Minister (YM) who is an openly committed follower of Jesus Christ, reflects Christlike character in daily living, and shows the love of Jesus to others in tangible ways. Our next YM will be a passionate disciple-maker who is skilled in relationship building. The YM will organize and coordinate a balanced approach to student ministry that includes Bible study, discipleship training, outreach, recreation, fellowship, mission action, and music. In order to fulfill these goals, the YM will work alongside a Student Ministry Team to plan, implement and evaluate a balanced student ministry program. 

Student Profile: 

Our youth group has growth in attendance: in 2022, we are averaging 20 youth attendees on Sunday morning, and 15 on Wednesday evenings. 

What kind of students do we want coming out of our youth ministry? We want TVBC students to master the redemptive storyline of Scripture (the gospel), make a rugged commitment to follow Jesus and reflect Christlike virtues, develop the mindset of humble servants (the mind of Christ), be able to contend for the Christian faith by being equipped to self-feed on the Bible and defend their faith with gentleness and love, and be trained as disciple-makers. Over all, we want to raise up faithful ambassadors who will bear witness to Jesus in word and deed.